Argentina's signature cookie is the alfajor, a meltingly tender sandwich of plain sugar cookies put together with thick, sweet dulce de leche (caramelized milk) and dusted at the edges with fine coconut shreds. Now who could resist a combination like that? Certainly not I, as the confiterias (pastry shops) in Buenos Aires are well aware. I buy dozens to eat while there and more to take home, the latter usually smashed to crumbs by the end of the trip.
I'm not eating crumbs any more, though, because I've found alfajores every bit as good close to home. They're alfajores de maicena from the Grand Casino Bakery in Culver City. Maicena is cornstarch, and that's what makes these cookies so light and tender.
You'll find other Argentinian pastries at the bakery too, along with yerba mate, sets for drinking mate and dulce de leche.
Alfajores de maicena are $4 for a box of 12 at the Grand Casino Bakery and Café, 3826 Main Street, Culver City, Calif. 90232. Tel: (310) 202–6969.
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